What Were You Expecting? Seed of a Woman (Part 1)


Sunday - 9:30AM worship Gathering, Sunday Nights - Community Groups

Nov. 28, 2021


What is Christmas all about? 

From the words of the Grinch, “Vengeance…er, presents I suppose.” 

Of course that is not really what Christmas is all about. It is a time of expectation though. Expectation of presents, expectation of time with loved ones, expectation of time off from school or work, expectation of traveling. And with each of these expectations comes with it the risk of disappointment from failing to reach those expectations. 

For those in the first century there was an expectation of a Messiah. God should come in God form, right? With trumpets blasting and angel armies in tow. But to come in human form as a baby to a betrothed young girl who had yet to consummate her marriage to a carpenter? 

Sometimes it comes in ways we don’t expect. What were you expecting?