What Were You Expecting? A Forerunner (Part 2)


Sunday - 9:30AM worship Gathering, Sunday Nights - Community Groups

Dec. 05, 2021


One of the things that was so significant about the coming of the Messiah was that He was going to have someone come in the spirit of Elijah to be a herald of His arrival. 

When there is an expectation of a coming Messiah we might very well overlook the prophecy of one that is to come before Him. That is exactly what happened with those in the first century. John the Baptizer had a miraculous birth of his own, was a part of the priestly line, but took a path that was very different from what the religious elite expected. So he was dismissed as crazy because he did not meet expectations. 

Some times we push away from God because He does not meet our expectations. We have to be careful with pushing away simply because we don’t understand or because what He teaches doesn’t "tickle our ears.” 

So, what were you expecting?